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Saturday, February 20, 2010


I've started tweeting Montaigne quotes - follow them here.  I'll add one whenever one comes to mind, and, of course, whenever I can fit it into the 140-character limitation.  I'm aware that nothing could be less Montaignean than to think you can express something in a 140-character soundbite and be done with it.  A lot of those characters would be needed just for adding his typical codicils to any opinion - things like, "Or perhaps not", "but I don't know", and "I might be wrong".

I'll try to make up for this by selecting tweets that are as inconsequential, contradictory, and generally untidy as possible.


Unknown said...

You sure Sarah?

All in German?


Sarah Blogwell's Bake said...

Hello DaveP,

No! I found that German one once too, and it isn't mine. The link in my blog should take you direct to mine - or use this:


Unknown said...

Odd. Yours is mine

~the link you sent is a search for #Montaigne which has results, but not in the form of our twitter pages?


Sarah Blogwell's Bake said...

Hi Dave -

That particular link isn't to my general Twitter page, but to anything tagged #Montaigne. So far that's mostly me, but I hope other people will add to it too.. (hint hint)


Unknown said...

"...but to anything tagged #Montaigne."

Doh! As Homer would say.

Sorry to waste bandwidth Sarah.

*now* I understand :-)